- Putting a giant rock in the middle of her bowl, that way it takes her 30 seconds to scarf down her food instead of 10 seconds.
- Adding water--at least it'll be easier on her digestive track.
- Making her work for each morsel of food by turning meals into training sessions. Realistically, with three dogs to feed, I don't have time to do this twice a day.
- Putting food into a Kong or Smart Toy. I don't have this option since I have multiple dogs. Otherwise this is a great idea. The kibble would be dispensed slowly and the dog is psychologically challenged: working for his food. LOVE IT!
- Put the usual amount of kibble in your dog's bowl
- Cover the bottom the bowl with a little bit of water
- If you mix the kibble with wet food, fantastic! Don't add water, merely mix in the wet food
- Put the bowl in the freezer
- When feeding time arrives, I just take it out and voila!
Other freezing tips:
When using peanut butter or Kong filling, fill the toy or hollow bone and then freeze the toy/bone. That filling doesn't last long, however when it's frozen it lasts longer for those car rides or for anxious dogs left at home.
Your tips are effective and helpful especially for those who have the same problem as yours. Hopefully, these ideas will work for those who would try it in their own homes. Well-written write-up! Cheers!